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Espèces rares                                             Rare species


Grand paon de nuit   Saturnia pyri   Great peacock moth

Le papillion de nuit le plus grand d'Europe.  Il ne vit qu'un seul jour durant lequel le couple doit se retrouver..  En 2016 un couple s'est trouvé sur un pilier à l'entrée de ce jardin.  En 2022, un mâle a passé sa journée dans la véranda ; pas de signe de la femelle.


Europe's largest moth, about the size of a hand span.  Lives for just one day, during which time it mates but does not feed.  Appeared once in Le Maurier garden, both male and female spotted together (2016).  In 2022, a solitary male spent his one day of life in the veranda.  The female did not appear.

Gagea bohemica         Radnor Lily

Espèce de lys miniature très rare et hautement protégée en Europe mais qui se trouve autour de Turriers certaines années en abondance.  Petite soeur de la Dame de onze heures, beaucoup plus répandue.

This miniature lily has disappeared in most of Europe.  In Britain it is found on one single site in Radnorshire.  It does not flower every year.  Found once growing naturally at the entrance to this garden (1996) I have successfully transplanted it back again to the sunny bank between the top and the bottom gardens. (2021).  It is not uncommon on grassy banks around this village.  In 2022 it spread naturally to the floor of the Hot Garden, where I found and photographed 4 stands.

Cephalantera damasconium             White hellibore orchid

Orchidée protégée.  Sa soeur rouge est classée en voie de disparition et fait le sujet d'une étude au Kew Gardens de Londres; elle se trouve pourtant aux alentours de Turriers.

A rare orchid native to southern Europe.  Appeared all by itself in Le Maurier garden in 2013 and is slowly spreading.  Its even rarer pink sister, the Red Hellibore, forms the subject of a special study at Kew Gardens,  The latter may sometimes be found in the woodlands surrounding Turriers.

Orchis pyramidale                               Pyramid orchid

Anacamptis pyramidalis

Espèces protégée : sur la liste rouge nationale française et européenne.

A protected species.  One solitary example grows on the bank in the "Cool Garden" and flowers in late May/early June..

Rosalie des Alpes               Rosalia beetle

Hautement protégée.  Cette rosalie est apparue de derrière la fontaine en 2018.

A highly protected species.  Emerged from behind the fountain one year (2018) and dried itself off on a nearby geranium.  Normally breeds in dead wood in the forest.  The adult insect takes 2 years to emerge!  Seen here slightly smaller than life size.

Grenouille rousse     Rana temporaria                Mountain frog                                                          Espèce protégée

Apparu en 2017.  A passé l'été dans un grand pot de joubarbes sur la terrasse.

Appeared once in Le Maurier garden and spent the entire summer in a flower pot on the terrace.  

Adonis annua                                     Pheasant's eye

Fam: Ranunculacae 

Ranunculus rare et hautement protégé.

Small, unobtrusive plant. Has become very rare in Europe but one stand appeared in Le Maurier garden for one year and locally it can be found singly or in small groups in meadowland or on the edge of ploughed cornfields. It may have 4-10 petals. It is listed as a medicinal plant but the leaves and roots are poisonous to humans and livestock. A treasure!

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