Jardin Botanique Le Maurier
Jardin Botanique Le Maurier

Rosalie des Alpes Rosalia
Rosalie des Alpes Rosalia
Rare et protégé, ce spécimen est sorti en 2018 de derrière ma fontaine. Habitat habituel: bois mort dans la forêt. Le larve prend 2 ans pour éclore.
This spectacular beetle crawled out from behind the fountain one summer. It is a rare protected species. The eggs are usually laid in dead wood in the forest. The adult takes 2 years to hatch!

Cetonia aurata Green rose chafer
Fam. Scarabaedae
Cetonia aurata Green rose chafer
Fam. Scarabaedae
Détesté par la plupart des jardiniers, ce coleoptère n'est pas chassé de mon jardin.
Any sane rose grower hates these beetles, but I let them lead their own lives in Le Maurier garden. Their favourite roses here are "Peace" and "Schoolgirl" both of which they devour greedily from the inside out leaving just a bare calyx. I love the way they glisten in the sun and, when it gets too hot, carefully fold a petal over themselves to form a sunshade !

Brassica shield bug
(To identify)
Brassica shield bug
(To identify)

Pentatoma rufipes Forest Bug
Pentatoma rufipes Forest Bug
Normally seen on deciduous wood as the name implies but here (April 2021) was resting on a woollen rug in the veranda!

Punaise nébuleuse Mottled Shield Bug
Rhaphigaster nebulosa
Punaise nébuleuse Mottled Shield Bug
Rhaphigaster nebulosa
July 2021

Forest bug (to identify)
Forest bug (to identify)
Another very handsome creature who took shelter in the veranda Nov 2021.

Punaise verte Common Green Shield Bug
Palomena prasina
Fam. Pentatomidae
Punaise verte Common Green Shield Bug
Palomena prasina
Fam. Pentatomidae
Se trouve partout en France. Se nourit d'arbres et d'arbustes à feuilles caduques, y compris les fruitiers. En automne
Widespread in France. Feeds on deciduous trees and shrubs including fruit trees without causing serious harm. Changes to brown before overwintering in sheltered places including houses.

Lygaeus Firebug
Lygaeus Firebug
Very common in the spring and early summer, in groups or clusters, often paired tail-to-tail. Actual size 10 mm. Feeds on seeds and other insects.

Punaise équyère Lygaeus equestris
Punaise équyère Lygaeus equestris
Souvent sur les ombelles, mais aime se gaver d'une variété de fleurs et de graines. Ici, sur une centaurée en graines.
Typically feeds on flowers, fruits and seeds. Here it is eating the seeds of a knapweed.

Clairon des ruches Trichodes alvearius
Clairon des ruches Trichodes alvearius
Likes to nibble pollen (as here) but feeds mainly on other insects. The larvae live parasitically in the nests of both social and solitary bees.
Central and Southern Europe (not Britain)

Lepture tachetée Leptura maculata
Lepture tachetée Leptura maculata
Se charactérise par ses antennes et pattes annulées noires et jaunes.
Lives mostly on flowers (here, on wild carrot, 2020). Nibbles pollen but feeds mainly on other insects. Size 8-15 mm. May - July

Picromerus nigridens
Picromerus nigridens
A type of shield bug. Size 10 mm. Several of them inhabit my rhubarb plants. Feeds on caterpillars and other soft-bodied insects.
P. nigridens is found in S. Europe; P. bidens elsewhere in Europe

Coreus marginatus
Coreus marginatus
This jazzy chap is not a shield bug (has 4 segments on the antennae, not 5). Look closely to see 2 tiny horns between the antennae. Likes dense vegetation; here it is sitting on a rhubarb leaf. Feeds on fruits and seeds.

Schizatus pectinicornis Cardinal beetle
Schizatus pectinicornis Cardinal beetle
Characterised by the black spot on the pronotum and black rather than red elytra. Feeds on nectar and honeydew. The larvae are predatory and live under the bark of dead trees.

Soldier beetle
Soldier beetle
In 2022 these were very numerous feeding on the seeds of the pink legume in the top meadow.

Cardinal Beetle
(to identify)
Cardinal Beetle
(to identify)

(to identify)
(to identify)

Rhagonycha fulva Soldier beetle ​
Rhagonycha fulva Soldier beetle ​
A perfectly harmless beetle sometimes called Bloodsucker because of its colour. Feeds on other small insects.

Shield bug
(to identify)
Shield bug
(to identify)
Early June 2022 in the grasses on the top lawn.

Graphosoma italicum Shield bug​
Graphosoma italicum Shield bug​
Se trouve souvent nombreux sur la carotte sauvage. Ici, sur la lavande.
Here on lavender but usually on wild carrot; can be very numerous. The colours advertise to birds that it is not nice to eat!
The underside of the bug is spotted!

Graphosoma italicum ​on Wild Carrot
Graphosoma italicum ​on Wild Carrot
The bugs congregate in numbers on the same group of plants and mate on the seedheads.

Coccinella 7-punctata Seven-spot Ladybird
Coccinella 7-punctata Seven-spot Ladybird
A voracious aphid-hunter. Emits a strong smell as a defence against predators.

Fly disguised as a Ladybird
Fly disguised as a Ladybird

Un habitat idéal Ideal home
Un habitat idéal Ideal home
Ladies' Bedstraw covers the garden in perfumed lace in June and provides an ideal habitat for numerous insects: here, 2 seven-spot ladybirds and a graphosoma.

Ver luisant Glow worm
Lampyris noctiluca
Ver luisant Glow worm
Lampyris noctiluca
À trouver dans le Jardin Botanique en juillet/août.
En haut : il fait le phare pour un escargot !
En bas : en pleine journée, il descend le mur du jardin.
Can be found on summer nights (end July/beg. August) near the fountain or the downpipe from the barn roof.
Top picture : hitching a ride on a snail !
Bottom picture: in full daylight, scaling the garden wall. It is the green spot in the tail that glows at night.

Mante religieuse Green knife-and-fork insect ! Praying mantis
Mante religieuse Green knife-and-fork insect ! Praying mantis
Mantises are an order of insects that contains over 2,400 species in about 460 genera in 33 families. The largest family is the Mantidae. Mantises are distributed worldwide in temperate and tropical habitats. They have triangular heads with bulging eyes supported on flexible necks. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Mantodea
Higher classification: Dictyoptera
Order: Mantodea; Burmeister, 1838
Class: Insecta
Eats: Insects, Beetles, Crickets, Lepidoptera, Blattodea

Améles décolorée Praying mantis (2)
Améles décolorée Praying mantis (2)
La plus petite des mantes vivant dans les Alpes du Sud.
They come in all sizes and in brown as well as green. This one, , sitting daintily on the tip of my finger, is the smallest of the species found in our region..
Oothèque de la mante religieuse Egg nest of the Praying mantis
March 2021
These are three different examples in the same location, on the barn door, well exposed to the sun
En septembre ou octobre la femelle dépose un genre de mousse qu'elle travaille à l'aide de ses valves génitales. Elle y pond 200-300 oeufs. L'oothèque durcit au contact de l'air. Les cellules internes sont garnis ; les cellules externes restent vides et servent d'isolation. Les oeufs éclorent en mai/juin. Les larves subissent 6 métamorphoses avant d'accéder à la taille adulte.
Eggs are laid in the autumn in a kind of foam that sets hard and protects the eggs during incubation. The larvae hatch in May/June and undergo 6 metamorphoses before reaching the adult stage.
Oothèque de la mante religieuse Egg nest of the Praying mantis
March 2021
These are three different examples in the same location, on the barn door, well exposed to the sun
En septembre ou octobre la femelle dépose un genre de mousse qu'elle travaille à l'aide de ses valves génitales. Elle y pond 200-300 oeufs. L'oothèque durcit au contact de l'air. Les cellules internes sont garnis ; les cellules externes restent vides et servent d'isolation. Les oeufs éclorent en mai/juin. Les larves subissent 6 métamorphoses avant d'accéder à la taille adulte.
Eggs are laid in the autumn in a kind of foam that sets hard and protects the eggs during incubation. The larvae hatch in May/June and undergo 6 metamorphoses before reaching the adult stage.
Eaten (by a lizard?) apart from the head
Eaten (by a lizard?) apart from the head
Part eaten but it looks as if the creature is about to emerge.
Part eaten but it looks as if the creature is about to emerge.

Nemobius sylvestris Wood cricket
Nemobius sylvestris Wood cricket
A flightless ground dweller. Feeds mainly on dead leaves and their associated fungi. Usually agile but this one was found tired (April 2021) in the veranda. Makes a soft purring "song". Size 7-11 mm.

Ephippigère des vignes (femelle) Saddle-backed bush cricket
Ephippiger diurnus Dufour
Ephippigère des vignes (femelle) Saddle-backed bush cricket
Ephippiger diurnus Dufour
La seule des 4 espèces trouvées en France qui existe dans notre zone des Alpes du Sud.
The wings of this species are atrophied and only used to make sounds (stridulation)

Six-spot Burnet
Six-spot Burnet

Cicadella viridis Small green Leafhopper
Cicadella viridis Small green Leafhopper
Feeds on grasses and is preyed on by spiders