Jardin Botanique Le Maurier
Jardin Botanique Le Maurier
Succulent sedum with honey bee
Succulent sedum with honey bee
One of the first plants in the garden to flower (February). The insects are immediately attracted.
Pommier sauvage Apple blossom
Pommier sauvage Apple blossom
Ce pommier pousse derrière la grange. Il s'est planté tout seul bien avant mon temps. Je ne le taille pas, laissant libre accès aux oiseaux qui s'y régalent. Dans une bonne année il échappe aux gels tardifs et fleurit abondamment, produisant de délicieuses petites pommes roses et jaunes. En 2020 j'ai pu faire faire 48 litres de jus bio !
This lovely wild apple tree was already in place behind the barn before my time. I let it grow unhindered, which makes it very attractive to birds. It is vulnerable to late frosts but barring that, produces a generous crop of sweet yellow and pink apples. In 2020 I had them pressed, producing 48 litres of tasty organic apple juice.
Geranium robertianum Herb Robert
Geranium robertianum Herb Robert
Vieille plante médicinale, dans la famille des géraniums.
There are various wild geraniums in this garden; this is the smallest and the first to flower. The leaves form a very pretty rosette low on the ground. Tiny flower about 1.5 cm. The plant spreads in groups and forms a carpet, in April mixed with grape hyacinths for effect. An old medicinal plant containing ethereal oil, tannins and an unknown alkaloid. The 'Robert' in question was a 17th century pope.
Scented Geranium
Scented Geranium
The leaves have a delightful lemon-y scent when crushed.
Alpine Geranium and Cranesbill
Alpine Geranium and Cranesbill
Plusieurs géranuims sauvages peuplent ce jardin. Ici, un geranium rose des Alpes et le petit violet qui se plaît partout en Haute Provence.
Several wild geraniums inhabit this garden. The larger pink Alpine variety travelled to England and decorated the side of a former grass tennis court in my mother's garden, whence it travelled back to France. In the background Cranesbill flowers profusely; it is common all over the region.
Grows freely all over the grassy areas of this garden. Here, with a trichodes alvearius and Herb Robert. Flowers in May.
Early flowering clematis Montana
Early flowering clematis Montana
Cultivated. Small flowers open in May. Very vulnerable to late frosts. In the South of England covers the cottages in clouds of flowers. Here it does not like the altitude and growth is meagre.
Question: Why do snails climb creepers?
Sainfoin Common Sainfoin
Onobrychis viciifolia
fam. Fabaceae
Sainfoin Common Sainfoin
Onobrychis viciifolia
fam. Fabaceae
Très présente sur la pelouse devant le hangar. Très apprécié par les insectes !
Grows in large patches on the top lawn. Very attractive to a wide variety of insects. Widely used for fodder.
Orchis pyramidale Pyramid orchid
Anacamptis pyramidalis
Orchis pyramidale Pyramid orchid
Anacamptis pyramidalis
. Plante protégée : sur la liste rouge nationale française et européenne.
A protected species. One solitary example grows on the bank in the "Cool Garden" and flowers in late May/early June.
Goat's Beard Orchid
Goat's Beard Orchid
A tall plant, grows singly here and there in long grass. 4 stands on the top lawn. Does not flower every year.
Sauge velours Cool Garden with Hairy Sage
Salvia stachys byzantina
Sauge velours Cool Garden with Hairy Sage
Salvia stachys byzantina
Commun dans les alpages; se plaît dans ce jardin à n'importe quel endroit.
Saponaria Soap Wort
Saponaria Soap Wort
Collectée au bord de la route près de Volx, la commune où l'entreprise Occitane a commencé sa vie. Elle pousse aussi dans les talus autour de Turriers, à 1000 m d'altitude. Cette plante fut connue par les romains qui, eux,, en fabriquaient du savon.
This lovely fragrant wildflower with pale pink waxy petals was well-known to the Romans who, as its name suggests, made soap from it. My specimen was collected by the wayside at Volx and here grows under the hazel bush in the Cool Garden. Flowers in June. This plant also grows wild in the lane leading down from Le Maurier.
Notez l'abeille chargée de pollen !
A feature of the shrubbery in June. It is very attractive to bees (look for one laden with pollen)
Carotte sauvage Pink wild carrot
Carotte sauvage Pink wild carrot
Usually all white, this specimen started as a very pretty pink.
Pied d'alouette Larkspur
Pied d'alouette Larkspur
Wild larkspur comes in blue, pink and white. It seeds itself all over the garden and especially in the veg patch and is one of the joys of Le Maurier garden in June and July
Wild Sweet Pea
Wild Sweet Pea
There are 2 varieties of wild Sweet Pea in the garden - this is the smaller one, a pale mauve and cream colour. For the larger one, see below.
Luthyrus tuberosus Wild Sweet Pea
Luthyrus tuberosus Wild Sweet Pea
This is the larger of 2 varieties in the garden, a lovely rich pink colour.
Geule de loup Pink Snapdragon
Geule de loup Pink Snapdragon
Escaped from a garden centre purchase, now wilding in pots intended for something else and in warm spots all over the garden.
See comments on the "Yellow" page of this catalogue.
Epilobium hirsutum Great Willowherb
Epilobium hirsutum Great Willowherb
Trifolium pratense Red Clover
Trifolium pratense Red Clover